Atlanta, which specialises in the development of soles for the footwear industry and produces 20,000 pairs a day, is investing in a new generation of bio-rubbers.
Given that “Bioshoes4all is a project within the PRR (Recovery and Resilience Programme), based on the sustainable and circular bioeconomy, we are developing what we call biomaterials, in particular a line of bio-rubbers, in which we are highlighting our Vegetal Bio-rubber (of plant origin), and bio-rubbers with natural fibres and with industrial waste (in the context of circularity)”, reveals Joana Meireles.
In addition, says the manager of Atlanta – Componentes para Calçado, “biopolymers are being developed, namely a BioTPU, compounds with added natural fibres and natural pigments, and we have developed our TR Recycled with algae”. Already on the market are “EVA compounds with recycled materials developed in this project”.
For Joana Meireles, the main added value of the solutions being developed “relates to environmental sustainability, as they have the primary goal of being more environmentally sustainable products than equivalent solutions on the market. They will be products that increase circularity, have lower energy consumption or lead to the substitution of fossil-based materials with others of plant origin, thus reducing the carbon footprint. We need to get more value from fewer resources and regenerate materials as much as possible”.
“The most important benefit is undoubtedly the environmental one”, stresses Atlanta’s Managing Director. “We must all make every effort and take every measure to ensure that the well-being of future generations is not compromised”. “More than a moral imperative, this is a strategic and competitive advantage for companies”. The results of participating in the Bioshoes4all project “will allow us to implement our strategy of being sustainable, but also to ensure a positive positioning as a brand and a company that is differentiated on the market”, thus “meeting the preferences of the consumers of the future”, who “will prioritise environmental issues in their consumption choices”, “as well as allowing us to make cost savings”.
Atlanta exports directly or indirectly more than 90% of its production, so “these solutions will be presented to both existing and new customers”, targeting “a mid-range and luxury segment with a strong sensitivity and recognition of environmental values”. However, it’s important to stress that “in the future, this will be a global concern, not limited to niche consumers”.
“Environmental sustainability is an opportunity for us to look for and develop new products and materials, new processes, new ways of doing more with fewer resources, of managing resources more efficiently”, concludes Joana Meireles.