Cookies policy

Our cookies

Cookies and Similar Technologies

APICCAPS uses cookies on its websites to improve the performance and browsing experience of its users, increasing on the one hand, the speed and efficiency of response and, on the other hand, eliminating the need to repeatedly enter the same information. The placement of cookies not only helps the websites to recognize the user’s device during the next visit but also, frequently, for the correct operation of the same.
The cookies used in all APICCAPS websites are as follows:

  • Essential – necessary for navigation on the website, guaranteeing access to private areas of the website, in order to allow the execution of services:  Session Cookies;
  • Analytical – necessary for the collection of information for statistical analysis of navigation and use of the website, namely: Google;
  • Social Networks – possibility of interaction with social networks, namely: Facebook and LinkedIn;

The metadata generated by the use of cookies may be sent to third parties for trend analysis, navigation of users on the sites and performance of the same, without identifying any person.

How to control the use of cookies?

Users can prevent the use of cookies in their browser settings. If you limit this option, however, the use of some features or the performance of certain tools may be conditioned.

How to Contact Us

Associação Portuguesa dos Industriais de Calçado, Componentes, Artigos de Pele e seus Sucedâneos

Rua Alves Redol, 372
4050-042 Porto
+351 225 074 150