
R. Dr. António Bernardino de Almeida, 431
4249-015 Porto

+351 228 340 500

ISEP is a superior education institution, integrated into the national science and technology system. While an engineering school, it holds a training portfolio with over 12-degree courses, 11 master’s degrees, part of which with quality labels by EURACE awarded by the Engineers Order and several post-graduate courses in different engineering areas. 

The scientific and technology area of the current proposal corresponds to the engineering areas where ISEP offers training in, and simultaneously, it holds investigation or service groups with several years of activity and numerous other investigation and service projects to external entities, namely, corporate, concluded or still running.

Statutorily ISEP’s mission is defined by the following terms: “O ISEP comes forward as a socially responsible community, that intends to provide excellence in the training of citizens with elevated professional, scientific and technical skills, in an ample diversity of qualification profiles, in the investigation and applied transference of knowledge and education, in the creation and dissemination of culture and scientific knowledge, in the commitment with the sustainable development of the country, in an internationally renowned board”.