The Pólo de Inovação em Engenharia de Polímeros (PIEP) (Polymers Engineering Innovation Pole) is an association of a private nature, with a technological and scientific matrix, and a corporate management model in place.
Erected on December 13th 2000, by the industry’s initiative and in close collaboration with the Polymers Engineering Department in Minho University (DEP-UM) along with the Institute of Support to Medium and Small Companies and Innovation (IAPMEI), PIEP intends to provide excellence in the delivery of products and services in appropriate timing, targeting the I&D+i needs of the companies in the plastic and other sectors, through innovation, technology transference, technical and scientific consulting and service provision sectors.
In a general manner, PIEP acts in the scope of servicing provision of tests and trials in error diagnostics, developing new materials and products, the processing technologies and production tools, based on the promotion of the sustainable development principles (Circular Economy and Environment).
Additionally, PIEP intends to contribute to education areas, supporting the progression and development of human resources, with abilities and expertise in industrial innovation in the polymers engineering areas.
PIEP’s mission is to become a landmark entity in polymer engineering innovation, contributing to the development of the national industry within the plastic and other sectors, ensuring excellence in the delivery of products and services at an appropriate time, aiming to suppress the needs of the I&D+i, their associates, clients and partners in the strategic technologic domains, bringing to fruition their talent of converting ideas into products.