
R. da Indústria do Calçado, 198, Fracção I
4610-654 Felgueiras

+351 255 314 340

SOFTIDEIA is a company that produces software, and specialised in the development of industrial management programmes, headed in Felgueiras since 1996, and is a national leader in the segment, with over 400 clients, which represent around 0.5% do PIB for the national economy, which means, around€ in global revenue.

Softideia comes forward as the company in the limelight in the Software Development area, permanently offering quality services that meet the needs and demands of their clients. 

The skills and honesty of their commitment and the quality of their work have been serving as the basis of the growing affirmation of the company in an activity sector strongly competitive and complex.

SOFTIDEIA’s mission is to serve their partners with the best computerised technologies, providing specialised services that will offer an effective management, as well as the creation of conditions that will avail innovation and creativity, basing their actions on: