Communication is the backbone of any healthy and sustainable organization. Effective communication goes far beyond the mere exchange of information, acting as a catalyst for stronger working relationships and effective collaboration. When communication is open and transparent, it creates an environment where all employees feel valued and integral to the company’s decision-making process. This, in turn, increases employee engagement and productivity while reducing misunderstandings and conflicts.
On the other hand, a robust communication strategy is vital for organizational resilience, enabling the company to adapt quickly and effectively to changes and challenges while keeping the team informed and focused on common goals. Furthermore, clear and effective communication is essential in crisis management, ensuring that accurate information is disseminated in a timely manner, thereby minimizing negative impacts and preserving the organization’s reputation.
In the latest episode of the CTCP Podcast, and as part of the Thematic Week: Prevention and Safety at Work, we had the pleasure of speaking with Mariana Pinote Moreira, Clinical Psychologist at the ENCONTRAR+SE association. This episode is dedicated to exploring the dynamics of effective communication as a key pillar for creating a safe and welcoming work environment. Through Mariana’s reflections and her experience at ENCONTRAR+SE, we discuss how clear and empathetic communication can be the key to emotional and mental well-being, conflict prevention, and the building of a strong and positive organizational culture.
Join us and don’t miss this new podcast episode!
Mariana Pinote Moreira holds a Master’s degree in Clinical Psychology from the Universidade Católica Portuguesa. She currently works as a clinical psychologist and trainer on mental health topics as part of her role at ENCONTRAR+SE – Association for the Promotion of Mental Health in Porto. As a result, she has extensive experience in implementing mental health promotion programs in the workplace across various target audiences and sectors.
This podcast was developed within the scope of the BioShoes4All project – Innovation and training of the footwear sector for sustainable bioeconomy, project no. 11, investment supported by the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Plan, under component 12 – Sustainable Bioeconomy, and by the European Funds NextGeneration EU. For more information, visit the website
This publication reflects only the opinions of the authors; the PRR – Recovery and Resilience Plan and the European NextGeneration EU Fund cannot be held responsible for any use that may be made of the information contained herein.